A glimpse at the goings on of the operation responsible for bringing you the irregularly published comics reportage anthology, SYNCOPATED.

Friday, September 01, 2006

A Useless Preview?

I've always been conflicted about whether it makes any sense to post work-in-progress on the internet.

Here's why:

Say I've done a short story of eight pages or so, and I plan to use it in a future edition of my magazine one day -- why post the full story on the web? It might deter a potential reader from buying the book that the story would one day appear -- They may be satisfied with the fact that they've read the thing, and that's that. It's honestly not a major concern that I have that person's money in my pocket, but (and I don't want to sound like a snob or anything), It's important to me that the reader hold what was intended in the first place; a printed book.

Okay, so then why not just post some of the story, right? Well, I don't know, then the reader is forced to pass some level of judgment on the piece without having read the entire story.

Well, despite this senseless inner-debate I'm posting the second page to a four-page story I did about the origin of one of New York's many monikers, "Gotham". It will, in all likelihood appear in SYNCOPATED Vol.3. (click image for the larger version)

Why page two? I don't know, I guess the first page isn't deep enough to be worth it, and besides, this page has that funny guy with the British Rock invasion haircut in the lower right hand panel.

Enjoy, but please don't judge just yet... And, my apologies for all of the stupid flip-flopping.

- Brendan

Injury Update

Tomorrow marks the four week anniversary of that awful, gruesome accident I mentioned a few posts back, and I'm incredulous with the fact that I'm still not quite on my feet yet. I'm getting the stitches from the surgery out tomorrow, but the doctors are imploring me not to put any weight on the thing for another couple of weeks. In their words: "If that laceration opens up, we won't be able to close it again, and you'll be left with a gaping gash in the bottom of your foot, inviting infection."

Can you believe this is happening?! The ridiculously slow recovery time aside, I'm definitely getting better, but I'm just growing impatient.

One thing that has helped me along has been all of the get well cards and emails I've gotten from friends and family -- none better than the image atop this post. It's a manipulation of the Syncopated homepage that my best friend, Brian sent me in an email a couple of days after I got back from the hospital. It's remarkably accurate -- from the sympathy beard I grew to the little sock tip that I cut to keep my toes warm to the wooden crate I've been elevating my leg with.

I think this is that last I'll mention this stupid injury, but thanks for reading about this senseless little episode...

- Brendan