A glimpse at the goings on of the operation responsible for bringing you the irregularly published comics reportage anthology, SYNCOPATED.

Monday, January 29, 2007

The Lineup

If I'm going to generate any excitement about the upcoming release of SYNCOPATED Volume 3, I now realize it would probably be a good idea to reveal some of the stellar talent that will adorn the thing.

Some household names, and some gems worth discovering, here's the list of contributors: Nick Bertozzi, Susie Cagle, Jim Campbell, Greg Cook, Tom Devlin, Gary Gianni, Paul Hoppe, Dave Kiersh, John Martz, Rina Piccolo, and myself.

It's a wonderful lineup, and each of the contributors brings something totally worthwhile to the project. Hope this whets the appetite a bit.

- Brendan

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Release Party Feb. 20th!

With SYNCOPATED Volume 3 due to arrive in just a couple weeks, we've put together a little shin-dig to help celebrate. So come out and join us Tuesday, February 20th at Drop Off Service (Ave. A btwn. 13th & 14th St.) from 6-9pm, and be one of the first people to get their hands on the new tome, while quaffing a couple of pints of free beer!

Yes, free beer! We've got a keg that will pour about 65 pints of Brooklyn's own Six Point Brownstone Ale, so get there early, 'cause I'm sure it'll run out before long. Drop Off Service is an otherwise fully stocked bar, so after the Six Point runs out, there'll be plenty to choose from (at full price, or course). Oh, hey, even though we're looking at free pints, please do tip whoever's tending bar.

- Brendan

Thursday, January 25, 2007

SYNCOPATED Vol.3 On Its Way...

SYNCOPATED Volume 3 is at the printers!

It's been a long time coming... Well, not necessarily, if you consider the generally slow output of most independent publishers. Volume 2 hit the shelves in June of 2005, so we're looking at a little over a year-and-a-half since I've had anything to offer the public (assuming you don't count the couple of useless mini comics I hastily compiled out of sheer panic to stay relevant).

I'm really looking forward to seeing Volume 3 in hand. I think it's a swell collection this time around, with some stellar contributors being represented. It weighs in at 104 pages, and hopefully you'll agree, and find it a worthwhile purchase.

I'll be posting info very soon about a release party we'll be throwing on February 20th. That'd be the Tuesday evening just before the New York ComicCon. So start getting excited! Ugh, how presumptuous of me to assume anyone would be getting excited... I guess we'll see, huh?

- Brendan

Frequent Infrequency

Clearly I'm one of those bloggers who can't be relied upon to deliver updated news and thoughts, etc. on a regular basis. I'm also guessing that anyone who may have been tracking what goes on here has long since lost hope in seeing anything worthwhile or interesting. But I'm determined not to be one of those bloggers that start every entry with an apology for lack of frequency. So, from here on in, even if blogging is light, I don't plan on addressing it. This blog will probably have little bursts of frequently added interesting news/material fairly infrequently, but so be it, right?

Maybe I shouldn't post this entry... Is it off-putting? Maybe I'll just hit whichever readers might be out there with a flurry of worthwhile posts and bury this one, while still having gotten the above off my chest. How convenient! I happen to have quite a bit to report currently, so ignore this and scroll up!

- Brendan